PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk is engaged in the operation of oil palm,rubber and cocoa plantations, general trading, manufacturing,transportations, consultation and related services. Astra Agro Lestari
PT Abdi Bangsa Tbk isis engaged in the newspapers publication business,the advertising and film industries and the multimedia informationservices sector. Abdi Bangsa
PT Asuransi Bina Dana Arta Tbk engaged in general loss insurance, including vehicle, fire,engineering, marine hull, cargo and heavy equipment insurance. Asuransi Bina Dana Arta
PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk isengaged in construction work,management consulting, industrial engineering, general trading, industrialfabrication, building management, information technology business andservices, property and real estate development and agribusiness. Adhi Karya (Persero)
PT Adira Dinamika Multi Financeprovides automotive financing services forits consumers.
PT Polychem Indonesia Tbk isengaged in manufacturing nylon cords, polyester chips, polyester filaments, engineering plastics, engineering resins, ethylene glycol, polyester staple fibers and petrochemicals. It is also engaged in knitting, weaving and textile manufacturing. Polychem Indonesia
PT Adaro Energy Tbk is an Indonesia-based integrated coal mining company. The Company, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in coal mining and trading and other related services such as coal infrastructure and logistics. Adaro Energy
PT Akbar Indo Makmur Stimec Tbk is engaged in thedistribution of pharmaceutical products and general trading. It is alsoinvolved in the processing of rubber and trading of coal. Akbar Indo Makmur Stimec
PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk is engaged in the production andmarketing of a variety of food products, including dry and instantnoodles. Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food
PT Aneka Kemasindo Utama Tbk is engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of plastic packaging products, including plastic cups and bottles. Aneka Kemasindo Utama
PT Argha Karya Prima Industry Tbk is engaged in the production and distribution of flexible packaging made of biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) films, polyester (PET) films, cast polypropylene (CPP) films and polyacrylonitrile films. Argha Karya Prima Industry
PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKR)isengaged in the distribution and trading of chemical products,including caustic soda, sodium sulfate, polyvinyl chloride resin and sodaash used by various industries in Indonesia in accordance withdistributorship agreements with foreign and local manufacturers. AKR Corporindo
PT Alfa Retailindo Tbk isengaged in thegeneral trading including distribution of consumer goods and wholesalingby operating stores that provide daily products, housewares andelectronics. Alfa Retailindo
PT Alumindo Light Metal Industry Tbk is engaged in the production of aluminum sheets, aluminum foils, flat rolled aluminum products and roll forming building decoration. Alumindo Light Metal Industry
PT Asuransi Multi Artha Guna Tbk is an insurance company,that offers automobile, fire, marine, health, and personal accidentinsurance. Asuransi Multi Artha Guna
PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya was involved in the distribution and the retail trade in the format minimarket and the service waralaba.
PT Anta Express Tour & Travel Service Tbk is engaged in travel and tourism-related activities involving ticket sales,domestic and international tours, travel document processing, seminars,conferences and other related businesses. Anta Express Tour & Travel Service
PT Aneka Tambang Tbk isengaged in the mining of natural deposits, manufacturing, trading, transportations and related activities. The Company undertakes activities from exploration, excavation, processing to marketing of nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, bauxite and iron sands. Aneka Tambang
Pan Pacific International Tbk provides equity and fixedincome securities trading, consultations, underwriting and corporatefinance services.
PT Asiaplast Industries Tbk is engaged in the manufacturing and trading of industrial polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic sheets. Asiaplast Industries
PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk activities include shipowner, ship management, operators, chartering, brokering and agency. TheCompany provides sea transport for dry bulk and general and liquidcargo, including timber and plantation products, bauxite ores, copperores and nickel ores. Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line
PT Arwana Citramulia Tbk manufactures and markets ceramic products for the domestic market. Arwana Citramulia
PT Arona Binasejati Tbk is engaged in the production and marketing of wooden furniture. Arona Binasejati
PT Asuransi Dayin Mitra Tbk products and services includeautomobile insurance, which covers civil commotion, acts of God,third-party liability and personal accidents. Asuransi Dayin Mitra
PT Astra Graphia Tbk is engaged intrading, industrial services and consultation, equipment, officemachinery, contractor services, information technology,telecommunications and investment in other companies. Astra Graphia
Asia Grain International Tbk trades and distributes commodities such as soy bean.
PT Astra International Tbk (Astra) is a automotive manufacturer. Through its subsidiaries, the Company also operates in the mining, development of plantations, financial and information technology. Astra International
PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is engaged in the trading of automotive components for domestic and international markets, including other Asian countries, the Middle East and Africa. Astra Otoparts
PT Bank Bumiputera Indonesia Tbk conducts general bankingservices. Bank Bumiputera Indonesia
PT Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk is a financial institution,The Bank is supported by one operational head office, one branch officelocated at Solo, five support offices and three cash offices. Bank Capital Indonesia
PT Sepatu Bata Tbk is engaged in the manufacturing, import, export and distribution of leather footwear, canvas built-ups, casual and sports shoes, injection-molded sandals and slippers, and industrial safety footwear. Sepatu Bata
PT Bayu Buana Tbk, the Company offers ticketing services,tour packages, cruise holiday packages, transportation services, hotelbooking services, incentive programs tailored for companies andspecial-interest groups for both domestic and international markets. Bayu Buana
PT Buana Finance Tbk is an Indonesia-based financialservices company. The Company is engaged in finance leasing, consumerfinancing and factoring. Buana Finance
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk provides commercialbanking activities and its related services. The Bank also providesbanking activities based on syariah principles. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk is a banking company. Astra Agro Lestari
PT Bumi Citra Permai Tbk isengaged in property and real estate. Bumi Citra Permai
PT Bhakti Investama Tbk offers an extensive range offinancial products and capital market services, as well as media andbroadcasting, telecommunications and information technology services. Bhakti Investama
PT Bisi International Tbk is aagribusiness company. It grows and markets vegetable seeds as well asdifferent grains, including corn and rice. Bisi International
PT Bukit Darmo Property Tbk is a property developmentcompany. The Company�s principal activities include the development ofland, buildings and infrastructure and other services supporting thecompany�s activities as well as its subsidiaries or affiliates. Bukit Darmo Property
PT Sentul City Tbk, formerly PT Bukit Sentul Tbk, isengaged in the development, sale, operation, rental andrehabilitation of buildings intended for office, shopping center,recreation and other purposes, as well as real estate development andinvestment in overseas and domestic companies. Sentul City
PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk provides services in bulk liquidtransportation for both domestic and international markets. The Companytransports petrochemical products and other liquid cargoes, includingchemicals, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), palm oil and molasses. Berlian Laju Tanker
PT Bintang Mitra Semestaraya Tbk is engaged in theconstruction industry, general trading, the printing business,agribusiness, the maritime sector and real estate management. Bintang Mitra Semestaraya
PT Global Mediacom Tbk, formerly PT Bimantara Citra Tbk, is an integrated media,broadcasting, entertainment and telecommunications group with operationsthat encompass content production, content distribution, television andradio broadcasting, newspaper, magazine, tabloids, telecommunicationoperator, mobile content aggregator, value added services provider andinformation technology system integrator. Global Mediacom
PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk is engaged in the general trading, steel pipemanufacturing, building materials and construction products,telecommunications systems, electronic and electrical goods and equityinvestments. Bakrie & Brothers
PT Bank Permata Tbk provides products and services includeliabilities, asset, credit card and bancassurance, PermataFOREX,commercial banking, e-channels, preferred banking, wealth management,cash management, PermataBank securities and agency services. Bank Permata
PT Berlina Tbk is a plastic manufacturer, with a primary focus on the cosmetics and pharmaceuticals industries. The Company manufactures rigid plastic containers, shrink films, plastic components, plastic products and custom-made, injection and blow-molded plastic products. Berlina
PT Barito Pacific Timber Tbk produces plywood, block boards, particleboards, phenolic film-faced plywood, sawn timbers, woodworking, panels, process panels, doors, furniture parts and handicraft. Barito Pacific Timber
PT Bumi Teknokultura Unggul Tbk is a biotechnology company. The Company comprises three business units. the Bioplant unit, the Bioflora unit and the Biomedica unit. Bumi Teknokultura Unggul
PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk is a telecommunication servicesprovider. Its services include Fixed Wireless Access using extended-timedivision multiple access (E-TDMA) technology and Esia, which is a limitedmobility service using code division multiple access (CDMA) 2000 1xtechnology. Bakrie Telecom
PT Betonjaya Manunggal Tbk is an iron, steel and roll bar manufacturing company. Betonjaya Manunggal
PT Budi Acid Jaya Tbk is engaged in the production and marketing of products made of sweet potatoes and chemical products such as sulfate and plastic bags. Budi Acid Jaya
PT Bumi Resources Tbk is engaged in the mining, manufacturing, production and marketing of coal, as well as oil exploration. Bumi Resources
PT Bayan Resources Tbk is an Indonesia-based coal mining company. The Company has 12 direct subsidiaries which are engaged in the coal mining and tires industries. Bayan Resources
PT Cahaya Kalbar Tbk is engaged in general trading,wholesale and agency services. Major products include specialty fats,cocoa products, whipping cream, liquid margarine, bakery and cakeingredients. Cahaya Kalbar
PT Centrin Online Tbk, its products and services includedial up, business access, local area network (LAN) dial up, dial upintegrated services digital network (ISDN), LAN dial up ISDN, dedicated/leased line, Web hosting, co-location, mailing list andvoice-over-Internet protocol. Centrin Online
PT Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk is engaged in the consumer financing,factoring and leasing industries. Clipan Finance Indonesia
PT Citra Kebun Raya Agri Tbk. (formerly PT Ciptojaya Kontrindoreksa Tbk) is a realestate and construction company. Citra Kebun Raya Agri
PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk is engaged in highway construction, as well as investments and services in relatedsectors. Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada
PT Centris Multipersada Pratama Tbk is a transportationholding company. The Company�s primary activities are the provision ofland transportation services, workshop services, assembly of spare partsand general trading. Centris Multipersada Pratama
PT Central Korporindo International Tbk is engaged in the construction and management of power plants as well as coal mining activities. Central Korporindo International
PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk is engaged in the production of cattle, poultry and shrimp feed, as well as processed chicken meat, poultry and other animal husbandry. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia
PT Central Proteinaprima Tbk isengaged in the animal husbandry sector, producing animal feed for fish, shrimp and poultry, as well as shrimp farming activity. Central Proteinaprima
PT Ciputra Development Tbk is engaged in development andconstruction of housing complexes, office buildings, commercial centers,industrial complexes and their supporting facilities, includingrestaurants, entertainment centers, golf courts and family clubs. Ciputra Development
PT Ciputra Property Tbk is engaged in investment,commercial property development and malls and hotels management. Ciputra Property
PT Citatah Tbk is engaged in the production and marketing of ceramic products, including ceramic handcrafts, as well as other related businesses. Citatah
PT Duta Anggada Realty Tbk develops, sells, leases, andmanages residential and offices buildings, shopping centers, parkingspaces, and other related activities. Duta Anggada Realty
PT Davomas Abadi Tbk processes cocoa beans into cocoabutter and cocoa powder. These products are used as main raw material forchocolate products. Davomas Abadi
PT Darma Henwa Tbk is a mining and energy contractor, whichprovides contract expertise in heavy equipment, contract miningactivities, bulk earthworks, general mining, construction, civilengineering and plant maintenance. Darma Henwa
PT Dharmala Intiland Tbk operates in three businesssegments: real estate, fitness center and rental of office building,apartments and hotels with the main focus on housing development. Dharmala Intiland
PT Delta Djakarta Tbk is engaged in the manufacture anddistribution of pilsner beer and stout under the Anker, Carlsberg, SanMiguel, Kuda Putih and San Mig Light trademarks. Delta Djakarta
PT Delta Dunia Petroindo Tbk is engaged in the production of sweaters and marketing the products to both domestic and international markets. Delta Dunia Petroindo
PT Duta Pertiwi Nusantara Tbk is engaged in the production of glue and other chemical products as well as mining activities. Duta Pertiwi Nusantara
PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk is trading, electricity services and property Company. Dian Swastatika Sentosa
PT Darya-Varia Laboratoria is engaged in the manufacture,trade and distribution of pharmaceuticals and related chemicals, andhealth care products.
PT Elnusa Tbk in an Indonesia-based integrated oil and gas company. The Company is divided into three main business segments: Integrated Oil and Gas Services which is engaged in upstream services, upstream supporting services and downstream services Asset-Based, which is engaged in the exploration and production of oil and gas, and Upstream Support and Competency-Based, which is engaged in data management, information technology and telecommunications. Elnusa
PT Bakrieland Development Tbk and its subsidiaries operateand develop property and real estate businesses including development oftransportation infrastructure, marketing and leasing of residentials,office spaces and other commercial buildings. Bakrieland Development
PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk is engaged in the trading, services and providing management services in the oil and gas industry. Energi Mega Persada
PT Ever Shine Tex Tbk isengaged in the manufacturing and trading oftextile products. Ever Shine Tex
PT Eterindo Wahanatama Tbk is aninvestment holding company focusing on manufacturing, distribution and trading, as well as providing management services. Eterindo Wahanatama
PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk is a telecommunication company. establish by Rajawali Corporation, the copany obtained the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) 900 spectrum allocation license from Indoneisan authority in September 1995, whereas its commercial operation started in Ocktober 1996. Excelcomindo Pratama
PT Fastfood Indonesia Tbk, the Company has obtained a license to use the KFC brand from Yum!BrandsInc, which owns Kentucky Fried Chicken International Holdings, Inc. Fastfood Indonesia
PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk is engaged in the provision ofsalt-water fish. The products are sold to both domestic and internationalmarkets, including other Asian countries. FKS Multi Agro
PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk is comprised of four business segments: Advertising, Public Relations, Tours and Travel and Graphic Design. Fortune Indonesia
PT Titan Kimia Nusantara Tbk, formerly PT Fatrapolindo Nusa Industri Tbk, is an Indonesia-based plastic manufacturer. The Company sells its products to both domestic and international markets. Titan Kimia Nusantara
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk is a hot rolled steel plate company. Astra Agro Lestari
PT Goodyear Indonesia Tbk is engaged in the provisionof tires for automobiles, airplanes and certain related components, aswell as the distribution and export of tires. Goodyear Indonesia
PT Gema Grahasarana Tbkdistributes commercial and residential furniture as well as providesinterior design services. Gema Grahasarana
PT Gudang Garam Tbkmanufactures and distributes cigarettes and operates activities related tothe cigarette industry. Gudang Garam
PT Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk isengaged in the development of real estate, apartments, offices, housingcomplexes and trade centers the provision of contractor services, andgeneral trading. Perdana Gapuraprima
PT Equity Development Investment Tbk providesfinancial services such as consumer financing, leasing,factoring, and loans. The Company also provides lifeinsurance, general insurance, securities trading, shareregistrar, investment consultation, and venture capitalservices. Equity Development Investment
PT HD Capital Tbk (formerly known as PT Hortus Danavest Tbk) is a financial services company. It is engaged in the finalcail industry as brokerage firm and an underwriter. HD Capital
PT Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk is thedistributor for brands such as Hitachi, John Deere, and Krupp. Hexindo Adiperkasa
PT Hanjaya MandalaSampoerna Tbk is engaged in the production and marketing of tobaccoproducts and investment in other companies. Hanjaya MandalaSoerna
PT Hotel Mandarine Regency Tbk is an Indonesia-basedhotel operator. The Company operates a four-star hotel named HotelGoodway, which is located in Nagoya, Batam. Hotel Mandarine Regency
PT Island Concepts Indonesia Tbk is an Indonesia-basedservice provider. The Company is engaged in the hospitality industry,including hotel and restaurant operations and other related activities. Island Concepts Indonesia
Indosiar Karya Media Tbk PT isa multimedia services company. The Company provides consultation in massmedia and related businesses. isa multimedia services company. The Company provides consultation in massmedia and related busines
PT Kageo Igar Jaya Tbk manufactures packaging paper, folding cartons, composite cans, and flexible packaging products for pharmaceutical and food industries. Kageo Igar Jaya
PT Inti Kapuas Arowana Tbk sells and breeds Arowana fish. Inti Kapuas Arowana
Intikeramik Alamasri Industri Tbk manufactures and distributes porcelain tiles. The Company sells its products in the local and foreign markets.
PTIndofarma (Persero) Tbk is engaged in production by itself or underlicense or contract with other parties that deal with pharmaceutical rawand indirect materials and chemical materials, including agrochemicalproducts. Indofarma (Persero)
PT Indal Aluminium Industry Tbk is a integrated manufacturer of aluminum extrusions and fabrications, including rolling mill, aluminum sheets, plant extrusion and gypsum board. Indal Aluminium Industry
PT Intanwijaya International Tbk is a chemical company. The Company produces formaldehyde resins. Intanwijaya International
PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk is a nickel producer. It produces nickel matte, an intermediate product, from lateritic ores at its integrated mining and processing facilities near Sorowako on the island of Sulawesi. International Nickel Indonesia
PT Indo-Rama Synthetics Tbk, the Company is comprised offour divisions: Polyester, which produces partially oriented yarns, drawtextured yarns, flat yarns, polyester staple fibers and textile gradechips Pet Resin, Spun Yarns,and Fabrics, Indo-Rama Synthetics
PT IndoExchange Tbk provides businesses with IT consulting,IT solutions, multimedia and convergent media solutions, infrastructuremanagement and integrated e-business solutions. IndoExchange
PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk, produces and markets cement and ready-mix concrete, building materials and is engaged in construction and trading. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa
PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk is an Indonesia-based company that provides mobile telecommunication infrastructure services, advertising and other related services. Its products include telecommunication software and platforms, broadband and network applications, and enterprise productivity and mobility solutions. Inovisi Infracom
PT Indosat Tbk, is a fully integrated Indonesiantelecommunications network and service provider and provides acomplement of national and international telecommunications services inIndonesia. Indosat
PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk engage mineral exploration Indo Tambangraya Megah
PT Integrasi Teknologi Tbk, the Company offersinfrastructure solutions, which consist of technology/platform solutions,centralize application management solutions, network and securitysolutions, data management solutions, managed services, includingmaintenance support and outsourcing helpdesk services, and professionalservices, including consulting, installation, deployment and developmentand customization. Integrasi Teknologi
PT Jembo Cable Company Tbk is a telecommunications andelectrical cable manufacturing company. Jembo Cable Company
PT Jakarta International Hotels & Development Tbk isengaged the hotel industry, holds investment in a wide range of otherbusiness units with lines of business encompassing property development, hotel management and telecommunications, sales,leasing and management of apartments, offices, retail and commercialcenters and other buildings. Jakarta International Hotels & Development
PT Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works Tbk isengaged in the manufacturing and trading of steel. Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works
PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk is engaged in animal feed manufacturing, chicken breeding, poultry processing and aquaculture farming. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia
PT Jaya Pari Steel Tbk is engaged in the production and marketing of iron and steel for both domestic and international markets, including Europe, Asia and Australia. Jaya Pari Steel
PT Dayaindo Resources International Tbk, formerly PTKarka Yasa Profilia Tbk is engaged the construction and development ofreal estate with concentration on low- to middle-income housing withessential facilities. Dayaindo Resources International
PT Karwell Indonesia Tbk is a clothingmanufacturer. Karwell Indonesia
PT KMI Wired and Cable Tbk, (Formerly known as PT GT Kabel Indonesia Tbk) isengaged in the manufacturing of bothinsulated and non-insulated electric, communication and telecommunicationcables and wires, as well as other accessories and different types ofcables and spare parts, including electric engineering cables and wirecomponents. KMI Wired and Cable
PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk develops and sellsindustrial estates and its related facilities and services as well asdevelops and installs water treatment plants, waste water treatment,utilities, and other facilities. Kawasan Industri Jababeka
PT Resource Alam Indonesia Tbk is engaged in the manufacturing formaldehyde and thermosetting adhesives, used in the glue industry for plywood and particle boards. Resource Alam Indonesia
PT Kalbe Farma Tbk is engaged in the production anddistribution of pharmaceutical products for humans and animals. Kalbe Farma
PT Global Land Develompment Tbk is engaged in hte properti and real estate management. It has developed shopping centers and recreation/entertainment areas such as the Grand Mall Bekasi. Global Land Develompment
PT Lamicitra Nusantara Tbk is engaged in the developmentand operation of commercial, industrial and shopping centers themanagement of ports the handling of cargos, and general construction. Lamicitra Nusantara
PT Lapindo International Tbk is a manufacturing company. Its principal activities include the manufacturing and trading of plastic packaging products. Lapindo International
PT Langgeng Makmur Industri Tbk is engaged in themanufacturing of plastic and aluminum household appliances, non-stickaluminum cookware, plastic woven bags, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes andother related products. Langgeng Makmur Industri
PT Lippo Cikarang Tbk is engaged in the development ofindustrial and housing complexes and urban areas, including theirinfrastructures. Lippo Cikarang
PT Lippo General Insurance Tbkprovides general insurance services. Its insurance types include fire,motor vehicle, marine cargo, medicare, and others. Lippo General Insurance
PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk operates in real estate, urban development, industrial estate development, general facilities, and infrastructure development. Lippo Karawaci
PT Lippo E-Net Tbk provides information technology servicesincluding Internet and e-commerce services. The Company also providesconsultation and distribution services as well as operates in theinvestment activities. Lippo E-Net
PT Pacific Utama Tbk (formerly PT Stephens Utama International Leasing Corporation) operates in the business of services, general trading, and investment. Pacific Utama
PT Perusahaan Perkebunan London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk cultivates, harvests, and processes palm oil, rubber, coconut, cocoa, coffee, and tea. Perusahaan Perkebunan London Sumatra Indonesia
PT Mas Murni Indonesia Tbk is a property managementcompany. The Company is principally engaged in owning and operating GardenPalace Hotel and Crystal Garden, an apartment block cum shopping center. Mas Murni Indonesia
PT Multistrada Arah Sarana Tbk is engaged in the production of motortires of four-or-more-wheeled vehicles. Its product lines include Strada,Corsa and Achilles. Multistrada Arah Sarana
PT Multibreeder Adirama Indonesia Tbk is engaged in the farming, cattle and maritime industries. It produces chicken grand parents stocks, parents stocks, parents stock broilers, parents stock layers, final stock broilers, final stock layer females and final stock layer males. Multibreeder Adirama Indonesia
PT Modernland Realty Tbk is a property development company.The Company�s primary activities include the development and sale of realestate, the operation of golf courses and country clubs, generalcontracting and trading. Modernland Realty
PT Modern Photo Tbk is engaged in general trading and manufacturing especially in theimaging and photography industry, the color processing industry andprinting equipment. Modern Photo
PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk is engaged in oil and gas exploration and production, drilling services, methanol production and the power generation industry. Medco Energi Internasional
PT Bank Mega Tbk providesbanking services. Through its subsidiary the Company also provides bondsand shares underwriting, stock broking, investment management,consultation services, and other activities related to the capital market. Bank Mega
PT Merck Tbk manufactures pharmaceutical products. TheCompany also distributes pharmaceutical raw materials, chemicals reagents,and medical instruments. Merck
PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk provides general tradingand construction services for the mining, oil and gas sectors. Nusantara Infrastructure
PT Mandala Multifinance Tbk is a financialservices company. The Company has a license to conduct several businessactivities, including factoring, consumer lending and credit cardbusinesses. Mandala Multifinance
PT Multi Indocitra Tbk is engaged in the selling anddistribution of beauty and health products, as well as products forbabies, children and women who are expecting or breastfeeding, includingplastic bottles, pacifiers, baby powder and baby soaps. Multi Indocitra
PT Mitra Rajasa Tbk provides trucking services. The Companytransports commercial goods such as cement, paper, glass, sand, and steelballs. Mitra Rajasa
PT Mitra Investindo Tbk is a mining and trading company specializing in granite stones mining. Mitra Investindo
PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk is engaged in the production and marketing ofalcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as importing relatedpromotional items. Multi Bintang Indonesia
PT Mulia Industrindo Tbk markets and distributes products of its subsidiaries. Its subsidiaries manufactures ceramic tiles, floatglass, glass containers, glass blocks, and automotive safety glass. Mulia Industrindo
PT Multipolar Corporation Tbk is engaged in systemsintegration services, including importation, trading, distribution andservicing of computers and related products, rental of computer equipment,management and informatics engineering services it also acts as an IBMbusiness partner. Multipolar Corporation
PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk, the Company�s businessoperations include content production, content distribution, Television(TV) broadcasting networks, TV program channels, newspapers, tabloids,radio networks, online media and talent management. Media Nusantara Citra
PT Mustika Ratu Tbk is engaged in the production,distribution and marketing of herbal-based and natural cosmetics, herbaldrinks and other related activities. Mustika Ratu
PT Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk provides reinsuranceservices. Its products offering include life, fire, miscellaneous, marinecargo and marine hull. Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia
PT Capitalinc Investment Tbk is engaged in general tradingactivities, the transportation industry and other related services. Capitalinc Investment
PT Metro Supermarket Realty Tbk is principally engaged infour segments: supermarket business, property management, investmentsector and real estate development. Metro Supermarket Realty
PT Mayora Indah Tbk is comprised of six business divisions:Biscuit, Candy, Wafer, Chocolate, Health Food, and Coffee. Mayora Indah
PT Apac Citra Centertex Tbk isengaged in the clothing industry. TheCompany markets its products to the United States, Australia and othercountries in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and South Africa. Apac Citra Centertex
PT Pelat Timah Nusantara Tbk is engaged in mining metals and other minerals. Pelat Timah Nusantara
PT Nipress Tbk, the Company makes automotive batteries,motorcycle batteries and sealed lead acid batteries. Nipress
PT Bank NISP Tbk, the Bank categorizes its products intotwo groups: Funding, which consists of savings and deposits, and Lending,consisting of working capital loans, investment loans and consumer loans. Bank NISP
PT Indonesia Prima Property Tbk develops and sellsapartments, houses, and land. The Company also owns and leases officebuildings, shopping malls, apartments, and hotels. Indonesia Prima Property
PT Destinasi Tirta Nusantara Tbk is an Indonesia-based touroperator. The Company is engaged in the marketing of Indonesia inboundtour packages to foreign travelers. Destinasi Tirta Nusantara
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara operates in the distribution and transmission of natural gas to industrial, commercial and household users.
PT Perdana Karya Perkasa Tbk is engaged in the coal mining industry, oil and gas mining construction services, rental of heavy equipment, agricultural sector, trading, land transportation and workshop services. Perdana Karya Perkasa
PT Polaris Investama Tbk (formerly known as PT redland Asia Capita Tbk) is a securities firm that is also engaged in tranportation, printing, trading and other services. Polaris Investama
PT Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk isengaged in the management and development of hotels,shopping centers, office complexes and apartments. Plaza Indonesia Realty
PT Prima Alloy Steel Universal Tbk is a manufacturingcompany. The Company produces and markets rims, stabilizers and otherrelated products made of alloy aluminum and steel. Prima Alloy Steel Universal
PT Prasidha Aneka Niaga Tbk isengaged in the production and trading of arange of fruits, vegetables and spices. Prasidha Aneka Niaga
PT Panca Wiratama Sakti Tbk isengaged in the development and management of real estate in Tangerang. Panca Wiratama Sakti
PT Pyridam Farma Tbk is engaged in the provision anddevelopment of pharmaceutical products, the provision of medical equipmentand the provision of other chemical products, including plastics. Pyridam Farma
PT Rukun Raharja Tbk is a marine port services provider,that manages and operates Bitung port in North Sulawesi. Rukun Raharja
PT Ristia Bintang Mahkota Sejati Tbk is engaged in the construction anddevelopment of Bintang Metropole and Mahkota Simprug housing complexes inBekasi and Tangerang, respectively. Ristia Bintang Mahkota Sejati
PT Ricky Putra Globalindo Tbk is a clothing company. TheCompany manufactures fashion wear as well as undergarments. Ricky Putra Globalindo
PT Rimo Catur Lestari Tbk is a department store operator.The Company sells a range of clothes, accessories, bags, shoes andcosmetics in its seven Rimo stores located in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bandung,Solo, and Bali. Rimo Catur Lestari
Katarina is Indonesia leading telecommunication engineering services firm with highly experienced and competent engineering team.
PT Bentoel International Investama Tbk is primarily engaged ingeneral trading, industrial manufacturing, constructions and developmentservices. It is also involved in timber and other related businesses. Bentoel International Investama
PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk provides support services to the energy, oil and gas sectors. It also provides exploration and offshore production facilities, inspection services and quality certification. The Company is also engaged in general trading activities. Radiant Utama Interinsco
PT Surabaya Agung Industry Pulp & Kertas Tbk is engaged in the paper industry and other related businesses. Surabaya Agung Industry Pulp & Kertas
PT Surya Citra Media Tbk is engaged in the multimediaindustry, as well as producing television programs and selling them to itssubsidiary, PT Surya Citra Televisi, in which it holds a 99.99% stake. Surya Citra Media
PT Schering Plough Indonesia Tbk are comprised of theprocessing and marketing of pharmaceutical products for human and animalconsumption, toiletries, cosmetics, household and other related products. Schering Plough Indonesia
PT Bank Himpunan Saudara Tbk provides general banking andforeign exchange transaction services. Bank Himpunan Saudara
PT Hotel Sahid Jaya International Tbk a hotel managementcompany. It owns and operates the Hotel Sahid International since 1974 as one of the first generation of five-star hotels in Jakarta. Hotel Sahid Jaya International
PT Sekawan Intipratama Tbk is an Indonesia-based manufacturer. The Company is engaged in the manufacture, printing and trading of non-woven products, which are categorized into Fancy, Agriculture, Building Construction, Bedding and Inflight Supplies. Sekawan Intipratama
PT Siwani Makmur Tbk is engaged in the plastic goods industry, technical and engineering consultation, infrastructure development and repairs and maintenance activities. The Company is also engaged in the manufacturing of flexible packaging products. Siwani Makmur
PT Sekar Laut Tbk is engaged in producing crackers, tomatosauces, chili sauces and ready-to-use seasoning mixes. It sells itsproducts to both domestic and international markets. Sekar Laut
PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources & Technology Tbk is engaged in agriculture, trading, the refinery of plantation products, the manufacturing of packaging products, management services and related research. Sinar Mas Agro Resources & Technology
PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk is engaged in the operation of cement plants and related activities, as well as making investments in other companies. Holcim Indonesia
PT Suryamas Dutamakmur Tbk develops real estate propertiesas well as sells land and houses. The Company also operates golf courses,country clubs, hotels, and other resort facilities. Suryamas Dutamakmur
PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk is a producer of otomotive and machinery components. The company was incoporated in 1976 as filter product manufacturer.It is the leading radiator an filter masker. Its expanded filter production facilities in Bitung, Tangerang. Selamat Sempurna
PT Suparma Tbk is an Indonesia-based paper company. The Company produces and markets paper and related products. Suparma
PT Indo Acidatama Tbk, formerly PT Sarasa Nugraha Tbk,produces basic chemical substances and textile. Indo Acidatama
PT Sugi Samapersada Tbk is engaged in the distribution and marketing of heavy equipment, includingspare parts. Sugi Samapersada
PT Sumalindo Lestari Jaya Tbk is engaged in the timber processing, logging activities, the operation of industrial timber plantations, as well as export, import and local trading. Sumalindo Lestari Jaya
PT Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk is engaged in the processing and producing palm cooking oil, coconut cooking oil, crude coconut oil, crude palm oil (CPO) and soap. Tunas Baru Lung
PT Tembaga Mulia Semanan Tbk isengaged in the production of copper rods and wires, aluminum rods, wire products and electrical cables. Tembaga Mulia Semanan
PT Teijin Indonesia Fiber CorporationTbk is engaged in the textile industry, producingpolyester chips, staple fibers, filament yarns andexport and import of various fibers and relatedproducts. Teijin Indonesia Fiber Corporation
PT Timah Tbk and its subsidiaries are engaged in the business of mining, industry, trading, transportation and related services. Timah
PT Tirta Mahakam Resources Tbk manufactures and sells varieties of plywood products with specialty in floor base plywood and sub-products. Tirta Mahakam Resources
PT Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk conducts its main line ofbusiness in shipping, offering full-containerized shipping servicescovering both domestic and international markets. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas
PT Agis Tbk and its subsidiaries distribute consumerelectronic products, and operates in the multimedia activities. TheCompany also provides electronic repair and logistic services. Agis
PT Tempo Inti Media Tbk is engaged in the media and printing industries,publishing Tempo Interaktif and the English edition of Tempo magazine. Tempo Inti Media
PT Total Bangun Persada Tbk isengaged in the propertysector as general contractor and developer of housing complexes andindustrial areas. Total Bangun Persada
PT Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk is engaged in the production and selling of sanitary products, fittings and other related activities. Surya Toto Indonesia
PT Trada Maritime Tbk is an Indonesia-based offshoreservices provider. The Company is engaged in the provision of port, marineterminal, logistics and related services to the oil, gas, mining andenergy industries. Trada Maritime
PT Trias Sentosa Tbk manufactures bioxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP), which is used in cigarette and over wrap films, coated films, metalized films, coextruded films, white films, pearl films, matte films and plain films, and bioxially oriented polyester (BOPET), which is used in coated films, metalized films and plain films. Trias Sentosa
PT Truba Alam Manunggal Engineering Tbk provides servicesto the engineering, electrical,construction and mining industries. Truba Alam Manunggal Engineering
PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk is a pharmaceuticalcompany, that produces and markets pharmaceutical, healthcare, and cosmetic products. Tempo Scan Pacific
PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading CompanyTbk produces aseptic beverages, long-life foods and dairyproducts for both domestic and international markets. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company
PT Nusantara Inti Corpora Tbk, formerly PTUnited Capital Indonesia Tbk is anfinancialservices company. It is engaged in the finance industry,acting as an investment manager. Nusantara Inti Corpora
PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk operates rubber, palm oil, and fresh fruit plantations. The Company also processes and trades agricultural and industrial products. Bakrie Sumatera Plantations
Era Infrastructure & Engineering Limited,formerly PT United Tractors Tbk is heavy equipment manufacturer and distributor. The Companycomprises two business divisions: Construction Machineryand Mining Contracting. United Tractors
PT Verena Oto Finance is engaged in automobile leasing. Ithas branches in some major city in Indonesia.
PT Wahana Phonix Mandiri Tbk isengaged in the provision of agro, maritimeproducts, general trading and transportation industry. Wahana Phonix Mandiri
PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk provides arange of full-service ground transportation networkwith a fleet of more than 250 vehicles. Panorama Transportasi
PT Wijaya Karya is engaged in theconstruction services, manufactures building materials, and developsreal estate.
PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk is engaged in leasing,factoring of accounts receivables, consumer financing and credit cardservices. Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha
PT Yulie Sekurindo Tbk isengaged in the financial industry as abrokerage dealer, underwriter and investment manager. Yulie Sekurindo
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